Huguette (Beaudin) Allen lives on the Middle Shuswap River in rural Lumby.
She tries to protect what is left of biodiversity by advocating water protection at source and re-wilding (restoring mixed forests and wetlands) to increase wildlife habitat.
She first took art classes 40 years ago and has since drawn and painted, off and on as a hobby until 2010, when she took oil classes with Kristy Gordon and then landscape design with Matt Smith (Tucson Art Academy Online) and has since been painting regularly.
She is inspired by the nature surrounding her.
Oeuvre | Medium | Dimensions (in.) | Framing | Price |
At Shuswap Falls Bridge |
Oil on Canvas | 20.0"w x 24.0"h x 0.5"d | None | $ 480.00 |
Below Shuswap Falls |
Oil on Canvas | 20.0"w x 24.0"h x 0.5"d | None | $ 480.00 |
Blue Boy |
Oil on Canvas | 8.0"w x 12.0"h x 0.5"d | Classic | SOLD |
Pot of Gold |
Oil on Canvas | 6.0"w x 9.0"h x 0.5"d | Classic | SOLD |
River Road |
Oil on Canvas | 16.0"w x 12.0"h x 0.5"d | Classic | $ 350.00 |
Shades of Fall |
Oil on Canvas | 9.0"w x 12.0"h x 0.5"d | None | $ 250.00 |
Shuswap Delta |
Oil on Canvas | 9.0"w x 12.0"h x 0.5"d | None | $ 250.00 |
Shuswap Falls |
Oil on Canvas | 20.0"w x 16.0"h x 0.5"d | None | $ 375.00 |
Shuswap Reflections 1 |
Oil on Canvas | 36.0"w x 24.0"h x 0.5"d | None | SOLD |
Shuswap Reflections 2 |
Oil on Canvas | 36.0"w x 24.0"h x 0.5"d | None | $ 950.00 |
Swans on Shuswap |
Oil on Canvas | 24.0"w x 12.0"h x 0.5"d | Vintage | SOLD |
Winter Morning |
Oil on Canvas | 16.0"w x 12.0"h x 0.5"d | Vintage | $ 350.00 |
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