Kathy Munts is a 2D watercolor and acrylic artist residing in rural Lumby. Her early works as a teenager were done solely in pencil. Many years later, once her children were finished high school, she fulfilled a long time goal to learn to paint with watercolour. Beginning with classes with local watercolourist and mentor Gail Short, Kathy also discovered sketchbook journaling. This made art an almost daily practice, a way to record inspirations, places and events that can be used for future projects as well as improving observation skills and techniques.
Whether it be with different media, textures, painting surfaces, techniques, or incorporating found objects into a piece, the possibilities for creative expression keep expanding, and making Kathy’s artistic journey one of exciting anticipation. Workshops with abstract artist Barry Rafuse have been instrumental in Kathy’s journey into mixed media and a more non-representational style in some of her paintings. Nature and florals are a major source inspiration, but she also loves the challenge of doing a non-conceptual work and letting the painting dictate the journey. Kathy’s goal is to never stop learning, experimenting, and finding the extraordinary in the ordinary.
Kathy has shown her work in juried and non-juried shows. She is a member of the North Okanagan Chapter of the Federation of Canadian Artists, the Okanagan Artists of Canada Society and the Monashee Arts Council.
Oeuvre | Medium | Dimensions (in.) | Framing | Price |
Believe in Yourself |
Mixed media on Canvas | 20.0"w x 20.0"h | None | $ 400.00 |
Cascade Divide |
Mixed media on Canvas | 16.0"w x 20.0"h | Floater | $ 420.00 |
Crestfallen Crimson |
Mixed media on Canvas | 20.0"w x 16.0"h x 1.3"d | None | $ 320.00 |
Fire at the Falls |
Mixed media on Canvas | 20.0"w x 20.0"h | Floater | $ 480.00 |
Fire's Glow |
Mixed media on Canvas | 16.0"w x 20.0"h | Floater | $ 400.00 |
Liliacs and Apple Blossoms |
Acrylic on Canvas | 20.0"w x 16.0"h x 1.3"d | None | $ 320.00 |
Pin Oak Solo |
Watercolour on Paper | 10.0"w x 14.0"h | None | $ 150.00 |
Promise of Spring |
Mixed media on Canvas | 20.0"w x 20.0"h | Floater | $ 480.00 |
Stubborn Determination |
Mixed media on Canvas | 20.0"w x 16.0"h | Floater | $ 400.00 |
Sunset Trail |
Acrylic on Canvas | 16.0"w x 20.0"h x 1.3"d | None | $ 320.00 |
Tranquility |
Mixed media on Canvas | 12.0"w x 12.0"h | Floater | $ 225.00 |
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