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Blue Boy
Blue Boy; oil on canvas
by Beaudin
Oil on Canvas
8"w x 12"h x 0.5"d
Frame: Classic

River Road
River Road; oil on canvas
by Beaudin
Oil on Canvas
16"w x 12"h x 0.5"d
Frame: Classic
$ 350.00

Shuswap Reflections 1
Shuswap Reflections 1; oil on canvas
by Beaudin
Oil on Canvas
36"w x 24"h x 0.5"d
Frame: None

Shuswap Reflections 2
Shuswap Reflections 2; oil on canvas
by Beaudin
Oil on Canvas
36"w x 24"h x 0.5"d
Frame: None
$ 950.00

Winter Morning
Winter Morning; oil on canvas
by Beaudin
Oil on Canvas
16"w x 12"h x 0.5"d
Frame: Vintage
$ 350.00

by Robin Ledrew
Watercolour on Paper
48"w x 29"h
Frame: None
$ 2,000.00

Believe in Yourself
Floral arrangement in vase
by Kathy Munts
Mixed media on Canvas
20"w x 20"h
Frame: None
$ 400.00

Cascade Divide
Semi abstract Waterfall painting
by Kathy Munts
Mixed media on Canvas
16"w x 20"h
Frame: Floater
$ 420.00

Crestfallen Crimson
Vase with red tulips near the end of their beauty on a textured canvas
by Kathy Munts
Mixed media on Canvas
20"w x 16"h x 1.3"d
Frame: None
$ 320.00

Fire at the Falls
Semi abstract Forest Fire at a Waterfall
by Kathy Munts
Mixed media on Canvas
20"w x 20"h
Frame: Floater
$ 480.00

Fire's Glow
Semi Abstract of fire lit sky  behind trees and reflecting in water
by Kathy Munts
Mixed media on Canvas
16"w x 20"h
Frame: Floater
$ 400.00

Liliacs and Apple Blossoms
Vase of lilacs and apple blossoms
by Kathy Munts
Acrylic on Canvas
20"w x 16"h x 1.3"d
Frame: None
$ 320.00

Pin Oak Solo
Winter scene with Frosty Pin Oak with trees in background
by Kathy Munts
Watercolour on Paper
10"w x 14"h
Frame: None
$ 150.00

Promise of Spring
Semi Abstract painting of new growth under snow
by Kathy Munts
Mixed media on Canvas
20"w x 20"h
Frame: Floater
$ 480.00

Stubborn Determination
Dandelions in grass
by Kathy Munts
Mixed media on Canvas
20"w x 16"h
Frame: Floater
$ 400.00

Sunset Trail
Forest with sunlight shining through
by Kathy Munts
Acrylic on Canvas
16"w x 20"h x 1.3"d
Frame: None
$ 320.00

Sea turtle swimming
by Kathy Munts
Mixed media on Canvas
12"w x 12"h
Frame: Floater
$ 225.00

At Shuswap Falls Bridge
At Shuswap Falls Bridge; oil on canvas
by Beaudin
Oil on Canvas
20"w x 24"h x 0.5"d
Frame: None
$ 480.00

Below Shuswap Falls
Below Shuswap Falls; oil on canvas
by Beaudin
Oil on Canvas
20"w x 24"h x 0.5"d
Frame: None
$ 480.00

Pot of Gold
Pot of Gold; oil on canvas
by Beaudin
Oil on Canvas
6"w x 9"h x 0.5"d
Frame: Classic

Shades of Fall
Shades of Fall; oil on canvas
by Beaudin
Oil on Canvas
9"w x 12"h x 0.5"d
Frame: None
$ 250.00

Shuswap Delta
Shuswap Delta; oil on canvas
by Beaudin
Oil on Canvas
9"w x 12"h x 0.5"d
Frame: None
$ 250.00

Shuswap Falls
Shuswap Falls; oil on canvas
by Beaudin
Oil on Canvas
20"w x 16"h x 0.5"d
Frame: None
$ 375.00

Swans on Shuswap
Swans on Shuswap; oil on canvas
by Beaudin
Oil on Canvas
24"w x 12"h x 0.5"d
Frame: Vintage

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